Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Three Great Teacher Blogs

Vanessa is an early child care professional and her blog, Pre-K Pages, is where preschool and kindergarten teachers can go to help expand or get ideas for their classroom. She covers all the bases with learning areas, lesson plans and even helpful tips to help assist teachers with their day to day activities.  She provides useful information that helps teachers to jump start ideas or revamp them, when they have a creative block or is just starting out in the profession. I’m eager to see what she has in stored! http://www.pre-kpages.com/

Deborah is the owner of a private preschool in Indiana called “The Children’s Studio”. This blog serves as a resource for child care professionals in a center or home setting. She opens her school doors and shows us how her classrooms function and provides ideas that can be used in your own classroom. Simply by tapping into the children’s interest allows them to be more engaged. I look forward to following her journey and what the children come up with next.

Mrs. Davidson’s blog is awesome! The blog is student driven and she takes you on the journey of her kindergarten classroom and how they are incorporating modern technology (e.g. iPad, Smartboard, blogging and tweeting) into their curriculum. She shows how capable 5 and 6 years old children are at  using these devices and excel to the challenges she gives them. When I first began reading through her blog, I was apprehensive about letting children have that much control with expensive devices but they seem to respect their materials.  She invited  parents to come into the classroom and the students shared how they were using the iPads in class. I thought that was awesome! Her blog encourages me to allow children take more responsibility with the tablets and iPads we have at our center. http://davisonkindergarten.blogspot.com/

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